We all age…though some people say “age is not an amount of time but a state of mind”. This post includes some breakthroughs to slow aging and keep you young in more than just your heart.
Fractional CO2 Laser
The antiaging breakthrough of the decade, according to many doctors, is a skin-resurfacing treatment known as CO2 fractional laser therapy. Combining the effectiveness of traditional carbon dioxide lasers — long thought to be the gold standard in wrinkle removal — with a new application technique, it delivers powerful results without the traditionally harsh side effects. Source: WebMD
La Mer Crème Moisturizing Cream
La Mer’s famous Crème de la Mer hits the Rank & Style home run: best-seller, editors’ pick, and fantastic user reviews. And the scent? C’est magnifique! Source: Elle
Born from the sea, the legendary Crème de la Mer has the power to transform the skin. In a short time, firmness improves, lines, wrinkles and the look of pores become less visible, skin looks virtually ageless. Even the driest complexions are renewed and rejuvenated. With the nutrient-rich Miracle Broth™, the heart of La Mer’s profound powers of transformation, skin is immersed in moisture, sensitivities soothed, radiance restored. Source: CremeDeLaMer
Antioxidants are chemicals (both naturally occurring and man-made) that can prevent or slow cell damage. An “antioxidant” is actually not a substance; it’s a behavior. Any compound that can donate electrons and counteract free radicals has antioxidant properties. Natural antioxidants are mainly found in fruits and vegetables, marine plants, and some seafood that eat marine plants. There are thousands of antioxidant compounds out there, but the most common dietary ones are vitamins A, C, and E, beta-carotene, and lycopene. Antioxidants can also be produced artificially and consumed in supplement form. Source: Greatist
Peptides are a protein that can stimulate new cells to grow and help skin cells to heal, and are found in dozens of products currently on the market. If they work, they do so by stimulating the replacement of collagen, elastin, and other components that suffer during aging. Peptides as good hydrating skin when they are found in moisterizers, which, in turn, ‘can make lines less noticeable. They are commonly used [for] getting rid of dead skin cells, allowing new cells to grow. ‘It allows the deeper layer of the skin to come to surface faster — which speeds up the cycle of skin turnover.’ Source: DailyMail
Vitamin A
Best overall age-fighter you can find it in OTC lotions, night creams (vitamin A derivatives are known as retinoids), and prescription products, proven to reduce wrinkles, fade brown spots, and smooth roughness. “There are more than 700 published studies on retinoids—they’re tried-and-true ingredients. Anyone who wants younger-looking skin should use one,” says Doris Day, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center. Source: Prevention
If there’s no fountain of youth, these breakthroughs might be the next best thing. If you want to get more information about beauty and wellness, please give us a call.
Signature Mobiile Spa
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Email: info@signaturemobilespa.com
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V4N 6R3
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